Crazy things happen in Berlin. You never know where or with whom you end up and what crazy experiences you will make. But one thing is for sure, it’s always exciting, vibrant and never what you might have expected.
One of that nights happened at the beginning of March 2017. A typical night in Berlin. Less than 20h sleep in 6 days. Hyped from exchanging thoughts with 100 highly inspiring MBA students from all over the world who came together at the MBA World Summit 2017. Too much to absorb. Too many motivating conversations and impressions. Never in my life I was exposed to so many extraordinary people who make you feel so alive. `They make you just want to do things!´ You feel like you explode. Full of positive energy and excitement to conquer the world.
Can it be possible to make such good friends in just 6 days? – Yes, definitely! We talk about life, what is our purpose in the world, why we do what we do and share our inner fears. We talk about things we have never shared with others. Not even our family or closest friends from the childhood. I never felt such a connection and level of understanding.
We are standing in a typical Berlin Mitte Bar talking about Susi’s studies `Social Work in combination with Dance´. Roman and Bekki are learning how to spell their names in sign language. Body language as a medium to express oneself. Dance as a medium to target social goals. Actually, totally obvious if we think about how dance has been present in social communities since mankind.
What a motivation to put it into action. Let’s go dance! Let’s be free tonight and let the Berlin vibe flow through our bones. We enjoy ´Berliner Luft` at a `Späti´ then change the location to Kater Blau. It’s time to dance.
During the next 7 hours, we step, air punch, and shake all our thoughts away. What’s left is pure love and positive energy. Our bodies are filled with the feeling of freedom. We behave like children on a playground. Release all stress and tension.
A peaceful moment of silence. We are sitting at the riverside watching the sunrise. Purple clouds are slowly passing by. Roman, Susi and I are sitting in a wooden rocket at Kater Blau’s playground watching the river. A lonely life ring floats by. What a crazy night. We don’t want it to end. We promise each other we will meet again.
Suddenly an idea. Let’s meet in exactly one year all together in Cape Town. Let’s bring Susi and her dance studies to Africa. Let’s do something together and have a positive impact on people who are in need.
And here we are,1 year later we meet again in Cape Town to create a child-friendly space for children from the township Philippi. ‘DANCE for a CHANCE’ has become a reality. – Crazy things do happen in Berlin!

10pm in a bar in Berlin, Mitte

1am with Berliner Luft

7am @Katerblau
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